Quikrete didn’t absorb much water. What did I do wrong


I am installing a hammock support post to support one end of a hammock. Following the manufacturers instructions, I dug a hole 18" in diameter to about 25" deep. Our soil is red clay, if that matters, and it hasn't rained recently.

I put about 2 inches of gravel in the bottom, placed the post in the hole, then poured 4 red bags (50 lbs each) of dry quikrete around the post. The instructions say to use about 1 gallon of water per bag, but when I poured the first gallon into the hole, it drained very slowly. I added a second gallon and the water pooled there for a long time. I eventually went in for the night. This morning I checked on it and the water is gone but the top 1/2" of cement is very soft — I think some particles were floating in the pooled water and didn't cure.

Did I mess up the process? I'm worried that I only used about half of the water called for and even that seemed liked too much liquid to absorb quickly. Is there any chance that 2 gallons would be enough to cure 200 lbs of Quikrete?

Best Answer

Bagged concrete dumped in hole dry can work but is not ideal. With a clay base the hole is like a pipe. Adding water to the top the mixture will absorb water a few inches down then create a seal. It may be possible to get the mixture wet by heavily soaking the area for a week or more. Moving the post may allow water to penetrate deeper at the cost of creating clumps around the post not the solid mass you want. Winter rains and the higher ground water water level may help. If you would like to use your hammock next week pull the post clean out the hole knock the clumps off the wood and put the post back in the hole. Now there are 2 options. Mix the fresh bag's of quickcrete in a wheelbarrow and fill the hole or put some water in the hole add quickcrete , water more quickcrete water... You get the idea two much water will make it weak but stronger than the original no water in the hole mix.

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