Radon remediation in a part-time home

energy efficiencyradon

We have a second home that we use approximately 1 week/month year-round, and more in the summer. When we purchased the home in 2019, it was tested at 9pCi/L, and a remediation system was installed before closing, with subsequent testing at 1.4pCi/L.
I'm wondering if there's a point to running the system full-time, when we are only there part time (and especially now when our normal schedule isn't likely to happen for an extra month or two). When we are not there, this system is the major energy consumer in the house, at approximately 2.5-3 kWh/day. I have the ability to programmatically turn the system off and on, and I'm thinking I could either run it part-time (say 6h/day) or not at all, turning it on full-time several days or even a week before our anticipated arrival. Given that the un-remediated readings were modest, it seems the risk doing this should be low.

  • Will having the system on, then off possibly create higher levels than previously existed (for example, because the continuous suction
    has created new pathways for it)?
  • Would running the system on a daily cycle be more effective by sweeping whatever is seeping out of the group up more regularly?

Best Answer

Edited; I have only read testing reports and wired abatement pumps. I modified my answer based on the feedback. As I have said in other posts granite especially pink or rose can be a significant source of radon. I would not run the system while you are away, I probably would open the house lower level windows or vents when you arrive. You may even want to set up a automated system that you can remotely turn on the abatement system the day prior to your arrival. Exterior vents at the lowest level with make up air for a while would purge the home of this gas and purging and having the system running prior to arrival might work fine but test to verify if the numbers are low this can save $$$!