Raise sink up off pedestal


We have a bathroom sink that sits on a pedestal. We are due for a full bathroom renovation in next couple years, but I need a way to deal with a problem until then.

The sink was installed wrong (and/or the house is settling) such that the sink isn’t level when it is resting on the pedestal. It’s gotten so bad that not all the water drains out of the sink, because the lowest spot in the sink isn’t the drain. I’d like a way to deal with that for next year or two.

I thought of propping up the sink with webbing and some boards until it is level, and then filling in the 1/2” gap created (see photo) between the sink and pedestal with some epoxy. But not sure if that would work well, or if others have better ideas.

If I did the epoxy approach, any pointers on what kind to buy?

enter image description here

Best Answer

Epoxy would work, though it would be troublesome to get in there.

If it was me and I knew that the sink would be trashed after a couple of years, I'd just support the lip, get a tube of normal white silicone caulk and start loading up the crack. Let it dry for 24 hours with the support in place and then you're good to go. (The silicone will compress a tiny bit, but not much.)