Reduce the floor register boot size in the old house


I am replacing the subfloor in my turn of the century house. After ripping up the old floor, I realized that the floor register boots are huge compared to the size of the supply ducts. For example, this a picture of a 6" round duct with a 10×12" register boot.

enter image description here

Look at that thing! It is eating up so much floor space! I have four of these on my first floor that I'd love to make smaller. As I understand it, a 4×10 or 4×12 register boot is pretty standard for a 6" round duct. Is there any reason I can't make this change?

While I'm at it, there are three returns in the same space that are even larger. I'm talking 8×30", 6×30", and 24×30". There is no way those returns need to be so large, right? My assumption is they just used the old gravity fed registers when upgrading the HVAC system some years ago. But that is just a hunch.

So I have a couple of questions:

  1. Can I reduce my floor register boots for the 6" and 7" round supply lines without negative effect?
  2. Can I reduce my return sizes as well?

I'm well aware that I should have a Manual J/D performed to get exacting answers. I'm looking for safe rule of thumb at this point.

Thanks all!

Best Answer

Many of the very old houses had gravity style furnaces that utilized large registers and grills that offered very low resistance to the flow of air. Since there were no fans or blowers the delivery pipes and registers had to be very large. Depending on the size of your room/house update it may be a good idea to ask an HVAC company for a bid on a duct work and register replacement package. You do not want to restrict the air flow to the furnace today and have to do it "again" if the work is done wrong. my 2 cents