Refrigertators that go into storage


just bought a new refrigerator.
it will be used in our SUMMER cottage. We always winterized our old refrig, by emptying it, cleaning it, unplugging it and propping the door open. We were told we should consider a garage kit. I question why, if we unplug it. Are we potetentially damaging the compressor? the lines? Refrigerator ideally will not run at all in the winter, in our unheated cottage, yet the walls are all insulated.


Best Answer

Sometimes seals can get funky not running for a long time, but that's no more a hazard for your new fridge than it was for your old one.

You certainly should not ned a "garage" or "cold running" kit for a fridge in a summer cottage that will be unplugged for the winter.

Check with the manufacturer for their storage recommendation when not using it, but that may well be impractical boilerplate (i.e. store above 45 degrees F or the like) rather than real insight to leaving it in a cold building. Given that they ship the things in winter in unheated trucks, I doubt there's a real issue there. Perhaps you'll get a company willing to say that...