Remove interior paint from carpet


I recently wanted to repaint an interior wall. I took many precautions to cover the carpet using tarps, tape, and newspaper. Despite all of that, I still managed to get paint onto the carpets and didn't notice until it had already dried.

I've been googling and all I can see are guides to remove the art-types of paints from carpets (acrylic, latex, and water-based), which I assume is probably ill fated for me because I used a paint + primer that I got from walmart.

Is there any way to remove this paint without damaging the carpet any further?

Best Answer

Carpets and paints can be made from a variety of materials. Water might clean it up. Paint thinners might dissolve the carpet (depending on the carpet). You could try isopropyl alcohol without much risk. But I would start by testing some carpet fibers (cut a few fibers off with some scissors) in a dish of paint thinner before testing thinner on the carpet. And still, even if the fibers look okay, use caution applying thinner to carpet. Apply thinner to a rag instead, and wipe the paint off with the rag.

If thinner dissoves the carpet, then the last resort is to give the carpet a trim. Hopefully the paint is not too deep and you can carefully cut out just the paint.