Remove protruding brick on LR chimney


In our living room over the firebox we would like to hand a flat screen TV. The design of the brick is a Running or Stretcher bond but it has 4 brick protruding from it. Specifically About one third of the way above the fire box on the outside wall there is
Centered on one side two brick with their "header edges" protruding, half a brick width from the wall and then another one third up the wall, centered on the other side there is the same. My question is how to best remove the parts of these four brick protruding and flatten the wall ? home built in late 1970's

Best Answer

I would not break or cut the bricks, someday you (or someone else) may want to move the TV and have a wall that is still aesthetically pleasing. Cut or chiseled bricks just won't look right.

Use wood (or some other material) blocks to "fur" the wall out. In other words, mount the TV off of the wall the same distance that the bricks protrude.