Remove tile adhesive to get to screws on cement board


Looking to remove thinset / tile adhesive from the backer cement board in the tub area. I want to replace the cement board as it got damaged while removing the tiles. The problem is, the tile adhesive is left on the backerboard, making screw removal a bit of a pain. How can I remove this to get to the screws?


enter image description here
enter image description here

I've heard grinding it off works, but if that's the case, what's an ideal tool to grind?

I did some more searching, and found a similar (ish) post to mine. It recomends one of the following:

Which is good and could be used again in the future?

Justin W.

Best Answer

Finding and then using those screw heads is going to be a nightmare, so I would abandon the idea of removing the wall board semi-intact. Find the studs (with one of those cryptically-named stud finders), cut the boards between the studs, and then pry it all off. Or, use an abrasive disk to cut right down the line of screws.