Remove wallpaper that has been textured over


Our bathroom has textured plaster work that seems to have been put on over the top of wallpaper. You can see some of the seams and the wallpaper was also still there under a mirrored cabinet. Above the door, for example, the wallpaper is peeling. We would like to get rid of the texture on the walls.

Would it be possible to just take down the wallpaper that the plaster is on top of and hope that the walls underneath are acceptable for repainting?


Can we sand down the textured plaster work?

(We would like to be able to paint and have it be a smoother surface).

Best Answer

Removing wall paper can be a major pain in the posterior at best. With plaster on top it may be a nightmare, if doable. You could try it in a small test area.

It may be? easier and or less time consuming to skim coat a new layer of mud and sand smooth, but that requires skill that a DIY'er may not have (but with practice could do).

Maybe remove the dry wall and install new drywall, Again mudding and taping is an acquired skill, especially when you want a smooth non textured wall, it take a lot of prep to get smooth.