Repairing damage on the floor


I dropped a beer glass and got a damage on the floor around 2.5 cm long. I am not sure about the material on the floor because the damage looks more like that something is peeling off. If it had been marble, then there would have been a one straight crack. Maybe its vinyl?

The following question is how to repair this? Is there any repair set available to hide this? I have seen a couple of them on amazon but dont know which one would be the right one. Help would be appreciated.

Best Answer

Looks like vinyl tile to me (VCT), judging by the straight lines in the upper photo. You're not going to be able to repair that without replacing the tile, and you won't be able to match tile that old very well. This is especially true if it's sheet vinyl.

I'd try gently tapping it flat with a hammer, and re-wax the floor to fill it a bit. Any other filler will show worse than the damage itself.