Replacement for Jacuzzi tub faucet with both handles on one side


Our Jacuzzi tub faucet has both hot & cold controls on the same side. I am looking to replace it, but cannot seem to find anything like it on the net. Everything I see has the controls on either sides of the faucet & the plumber says that would not work. Does this type of faucet assembly have a special name? Where should I look?

enter image description here

Pipes underneath the spout & hot/cold knobs:

Pipes underneath the spout & hot/cold knobs

Best Answer

Interesting... the original plumber piped that up him/herself (looks like good work BTW). Generally speaking, faucets for your application are typically plumbed in with flexible connections. The components are separate (hot valve, cold valve, spout) just like yours was prior to being hard plumbed. The faucet does not care either way!

Any regular Roman Tub faucet set should work for you. I would recommend flexible stainless connectors if your city inspector allows it (due to vibration from tub pump/blower). Sometimes flex is disallowed due to limited access, but this is an interpretation by the inspector and your's looks accessible to me.

This will involve "unplumbing" your faucet (I just made that word up and I officially claim it).