Restore bathtub enamel


Have a bathtub that is abotu 12 yrs old, with a shower and the bottom of the tub seems to have a spot where the enamel is wearing off. Never seen this happen before. Probably because I was so poor growing up we didnt have a shower, only a tub LOL

Below is a shot of my tub. The finish is coming off the drain fixtures also, but my main question is regarding the enamel.

Has anyone done a restoration like whats shown in this video?

enter image description here

Best Answer

I did not watch the entire video but have had my tub repainted. What they probably don't tell you is that you are supposed to completely dry the paint after each use. A pain! So most people don't do it , leave the tub very and afterwards have a peeling paint job in just a few years. I managed to make my last for 10 years, but I got tired of the drying. I've heard there are new paints. I personally would investigate tub liners, unless they offer a really long warranty on the paint.

Btw, diy paint kits are a disaster waiting to happen, IMHO.