Roof Decking: Plywood/OSB over skip sheathing (decking) or should I strip to the rafters


I have a shake roof (looks like the original from 1952!) with skip sheathing. Then an asphalt shingle re-roof over that (that makes 2 roofs in 60 years, thanks previous owners!). I have repairs and upgrades to make now and potentially would like to put a whole new roof on eventually.

Can I just strip shingles and shake, then put new decking ON-TOP of the skip decking (considering it is in good shape)? Or should I also rip out all the decking wood down to the rafters?

If I do put ply/osb over the skip deck, I'm guessing I should use longer nails and still try and fasten to the rafters? What is the advice there?

Best Answer

Skip sheathing for shake roofs used to be really common around my area of the country and I've never removed it (or seen anybody else remove it for that matter). OSB or plywood over skip sheathing makes for a much stiffer roof deck, resists problems with expansion better, and obviously doesn't require all the hassle of removing it.

After you strip the roof, do spot repairs to the existing sheathing where needed, then go right over it. You'll want to use both longer sheathing nails and longer roofing nails. The sheathing nails should be long enough to give a good hold in the studs, and the roofing nails should be long enough to penetrate both layers of sheathing.