Screen Door Pneumatic Tube stopper: What are they called and why is mine not working


We prefer to keep our screen doors (or "storm doors" as I guess they are also known by) open all the time. We only really want them shut when we keep the main door open for a breeze or to let our cats look out longingly for freedom.

A few months back a pizza delivery guy for whatever reason thought I was holding the door open with my mind (my hands occupied by pizzas) and thought he would kindly close the screen door for us. Clearly of superior intelligence (or supernatural powers), when it didn't close right away, he started shoving and yanking to show that he was a stronger jedi than me.

Well, the force was strong in this one. Ever since, we can't prop that door open. The bit seems intact (not bent or anything), but we slide it over and it just gets pushed back.

I was going to stop at a hardware store to see if that piece is sold solo, but I thought I'd do my homework first.

I've tried "jamb", "stopper", "stop", and "slider", all of which bring up results, but none that resemble the bit that locks our pneumatic tube in place (guess I'll try "lock" next).


  1. What are those things called? They are basically a square washer with a flappy tongue that you slide to where you want the tube to stop, and

  2. Based on the scenario of the closing by force, is it likely that this bit with no name just needs replacing, or do I need to adjust something else, or did he break my door?

Also, can the bits be purchased solo and easily replaced?

Best Answer

  1. They're called hold-open washers.

  2. It won't be easy to assume based on your description. Perhaps post a photo of where the washer normally meets the metal?

It sounds like the washer is probably just bent. Maybe you can take it off and straighten it in a vice and try it again. If it comes down to it, and you want to save some money.. you can back the set screw out of a drill stop and put a thumb screw in, grind the lugs off the shaft and slide it on!