Should columns supporting a beam be fastened to the floor


enter image description hereI am trying to take down a load bearing wall and have had an engineer draw plans and advise I use a steel beam and columns to support the floor above.
Do I need something to secure the columns to the floor so they do not move or can the rest direct into the concrete floor?
I live in Scotland which tends to have different laws than the rest of the UK.

columns 90 x 6.3 SHS
beam 178 x 102 x 19 UB

The beam will have JJI joists resting on it. I have a 3 floor terraced house and the work is being carried out on the ground floor.

Best Answer

Either the plate with bolt holes as suggested.

Or you could bolt some blocks to the floor on each side of the beam to stop it moving - especially if it does not have a plate already.

But some method of stopping it moving too easily is sensible - "just in case"...