Should Door Trim/Jamb be flush cut with bottom of base for carpet install


I'm finishing a room that will have new carpet installed. I plan to install the baseboard height about 1/2" off the slab so carpet can flow underneath. The room is all painted (trim/walls), but no base is installed. My question is: should I cut the closet/doors trim/jambs at 1/2" as well (before base install) so the carpet can flow under or is it not a big deal? The carpet will be about 5/8" thick and 1/2" pad, uncompressed.

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Best Answer

I always hold casing to the same height as the base trim (3/8" or 7/16" is enough--1/2" risks showing a gap with thinner carpets). However, if the casing is already installed, don't bother making cuts now. Carpet layers can easily deal with that situation by tucking against it. It shouldn't be a visual concern.