Should I clear up a small space with snow against a window


I have about a 10cm wide gap between my Tempo and my house. And, with the winter snow, that space has filled with snow.

Now, should I go and clear that space of the snow (because it could damage the house) or is it all right and I should just let it be?

My gut is telling me its allright because the snow insulates the house just a little bit more, but I could just be wrong.

enter image description here

Best Answer

Sure, snow insulates if it's air tight. Seems like plenty of space between the snow and window for fierce windchill to set in.

Assuming the window is at least double-pane and doing it's job with argon gas then there is not much benefit to having the snow there.

Consider this, the snow will melt and re-freeze several times throughout the season so you're better off preventing the melt from infiltrating the window frame and re-freezing. The sash might not rot but ice doesn't care about the material; water will freeze, expand, and damage, period.

Additionally, don't forget that your window is constantly losing heat and causing this melt-freeze cycle. The weather doesn't have to be above 32F in order for that snow to melt.