Should I lubricate moving parts of electric dryer? If yes, then how


Recently the belt of my 8 year old electric dryer snapped due to wear. So I have opened up the dryer and while I am waiting for the replacement belt to arrive I was wondering if it makes sense to also lube up pulleys and/or other moving parts inside the dryer to extend lifetime of remaining parts? If yes, then what lube to use (teflon, lithium, graphite or some other)?

Following considerations came into my mind and I am somewhat overwhelmed with all the lubricant options available:

  1. pulleys are made from plastic. Hence lube must be plastic-friendly
  2. small lint will be inside dryer. Hence lube should not attract such particles.
  3. the temperatures can get quite high. Hence lube should not be flammable.
  4. any other considerations I may be missing?

Best Answer

Your Dryer manufacturer should have a part number for lubricants that are used for those components - if you want the correct lubricant - that is where to get the correct type maybe even find a second source for it if they provide a manufacturer and type. However some bearings are sealed bearings and if they are sealed they aren't to be lubricated - but replaced.