Should I notch deck posts


My neighbor's elevated deck is supported by 2 6×6 posts connected by 2 2×10 boards. The posts are notched so that the 2 boards are sitting side by side in the notch and are bolted to the post (L shaped notch at the top of the post).

I had someone give me an estimate for replacing my deck and he also said that they'll notch the posts so that they weight is not carried only on the bolts.

To me that sounds wrong. Isn't that weakening the posts?

I'm thinking of building the deck myself and I was going to have the boards run on both sides of the posts, held by bolts and nuts. Maybe a metal plate of some sort to re-enforce? Something like those plate you see on steel bridges?

Any suggestions?

Best Answer

The deck builder is correct. Notching the upright provides a shelf for transferring the weight of the horizontal members onto the uprights.

I'd rather spend my time on a deck supported by thick posts instead of a certain number of galvanized carriage bolts.