Should I replace the septic tank if I don’t need to


Our house is 40-50 years old, and we've recently discovered that our drain field is shot. We're getting that replaced, and figured we may as well replace the tank while we're at it.

Are there any down sides to replacing a functioning septic tank? The thought process is that the cost is cheaper to do it now than later (already digging things up, etc) and that we already have the permit approved (included with the drain field repair).

Specifically, I want to know if older septic tanks are characteristically better than newer tanks. For example, was the cement used 50 years ago better quality? Would I be replacing it with a comparatively shoddy replacement?

For instance, I wouldn't replace a door while renovating the wall around it…even if a new door was free: the old doors are solid wood and wonderfully built, whereas newer doors are cheap and flimsy. I realize that's a broad generalization, but you get the idea.

Best Answer

Have the tank inspected. They should be able to give you an estimated remaining service life expectancy, based on the age and condition of the tank. This might make the decision easier.

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