Should I secure a free-standing vanity sink to prevent drain pipe damage


I recently installed a free-standing vanity sink in my laundry room, similar to the one pictured below.

enter image description here

Due to the configuration of the drain and supply pipes in the room, the sink could not be installed in the room's corner.

Because the unit is free-standing and not attached or adjacent to an existing structure, I am concerned that pushing or bumping into the sides of the unit, or even opening the drawer too quickly may put unneeded stress on the plastic/pvc drain pipes.

Is this a common concern for these types of installations? If so, what is a common way to address the issue? I plan to build a counter between the room's corner and one side of the unit in the future, so that will mitigate some of my concerns.

Best Answer

Shoot a couple 3" screws through the back of the cabinet into a stud. (Be sure to not hit your supply or drain lines, etc.)

If you need to get to the cleanout, just pull those two screws.

Or do the same basic thing, but screwed into the floor.