Should we replace shingles that are curling and losing the asphalt coating before winter hits


I don't know how long ago this roof was shingled, but we've noticed that the asphalt shingles, in two patches, have begun to curl and lose their grit.

Even after a late summer of fierce rain, at least for now, there is no evidence of water infiltration within the home (no mould, staining, drooping drywall, bubbling paint, etc).

How long can we wait until replacing the roof? Given the budget, should it be done urgently?

If it is necessary, but we can't get it done before the snow falls (which will be soon) are there any stop-gap measures we could try?

First view of part of troubled roof shingles with gutter

Second view of part of troubled roof shingles with gutter.

Best Answer

Replace it now. Like TODAY. That's BAD.

With that kind of bad shingle wear, your shingles are likely to create ice dams which will cause water to back up and leak through the roof, causing interior damage, compounding the cost.

enter image description here

In the summer, the roof won't hold the water because it can't freeze, so the curls will only grab a very little water before it drips free.

In the winter, however, a little retained water will freeze, expand, and capture more water, which will freeze, and so forth.