Shower – Do I need to seal the base of a shower and the surrounding tile


The "seal" between my shower base (fiberglass) and the surrounding tile started to crack (it is around 5 years old). It is not regular caulking, it's more like mortar/cement. It cracked a little bit and some areas fell.


Should I re-seal it? If so, what would be the recommendation? Remove the entire mortar seal and replace it with caulking, or just apply caulking on the areas where the mortar cracked?

Based on the answers and comments, I think there is a lip that won't let water drip into the wall, here's a picture of the corner of the base. There's a "hole" like this in two of the corners of the base:


Best Answer

I would not use acetone because a spill (which is very likely) could (would?) damage the fiberglass shower pan. If you feel it necessary to use a solvent, use rubbing alcohol, and be sparing with that.

I doubt a solvent is necessary at all. Note that the shower pans have a lip behind the tile so water is almost certainly NOT leaking into the wall. So there is no urgency. It would be unwise to recklessly do the wrong thing in an uninformed attempt to caulk this joint. DON'T think, "I have to do something now, the problem will only get worse and worse the longer it goes on."