Shower – Epoxy fumes won’t leave our home. Help!


So my husband decided to paint our smurf blue tub and shower with an epoxy white paint. He used two cans that came with the kit and it didn't cover. When the nearest Lowes was without another spray kit, he began to use an epoxy paint on it the following day. The packaging said you could combine their spray and paint kits.

However, we have had to spend the last two nights in a relative's home in order to prevent my young toddler from breathing in these fumes. We have left all windows open and fans going all day and the house still smells. It is just a tiny bathroom in the master bedroom. But I can smell the epoxy in the basement and garage below.

How do we get rid of the smell? I am almost afraid to let my son sleep in his bedroom across the hall. He has a heart condition so I am extremely careful about exposing him to anything.

Best Answer

I think you're going to need more airflow than just open windows. You can probably rent a large air mover from your local home improvement store in order to circulate lots of air around. Alternatively, try getting in touch with a local company that deals with cleaning up basement floods as they will have the same type of air movers.

You're looking for something like this:

Air Mover