Shower – Escutcheon plate doesn’t cover hole in tiled shower wall


I just installed a new shower system and the new escutcheon plate is a little smaller than the old one, leaving a small gap at the bottom of the wall.

It's not terribly noticeable, so I'm not too concerned about it looking bad.

Any ideas on the easiest way to seal this up?

enter image description here

Best Answer

I have run into this several times, the least expensive method I have found is to remove the plate and use grout, epoxy grout in this case I can’t tell if there is backing but hot glue on a paint stir stick really works , any epoxy that is fast setting could also hold something in place. Then fill with the appropriate color (white in this case) grout. I like the epoxy grout for things like this because it seals better.

You might say the color will be off as new grout even from the same bag will look different but in a small area like that the fixture changes the look also. In a few months it will look about the same and is not noticed by most unless they do this type of work.