Shower – How to keep shower caulk clean


We have a tile surround shower that has a fascia covering that is attached between the bottom edge of the tile and the bathtub using tub/shower/tile caulk.

The caulk is marked for use in wet locations, so i expected it would resist mold and mildew growth. But as you can see from the picture it is nasty.

I would like to to this fascia and caulk off one last time (3rd time around by now, over the course of 10 years) and replace it with something that won't be so tough to maintain.

What should i use instead?gunky tub

Best Answer

I have used three things in the past:

  1. Toilet cleaning bleach gel every other month or so.
  2. Spray bleach cleaner occasionally.
  3. Bleach/baking soda paste, with diluted bleach spray every few hours to keep moist. Paint on with a cheap paintbrush as the bleach will destroy the bristles.

Once you have given up hope, use the third option and cover the paste with saran wrap to keep it from drying out. Overnight should save it.