Shower – How to patch the ceiling and rehang a shower curtain rod


I have glass tiled walls in my bathroom, so opted to hang the shower curtain rod from the ceiling to protect the tiles. It looked great, until a house guest recently slipped, and grabbed the curtain for support. This pulled the teardrop bracket out of the ceiling, leaving a small tennis ball size hole. I would like to patch the ceiling, and then reattach the shower curtain rod bracket to ceiling.


what it should look like

the teardrop bracket

Best Answer

Realizing none of this is intended to support a person, or animal, or support anything over a person or animal.

Which answer would you like?

In order of suggested preference, and holding strength

  • Open up the ceiling enough [24" x 8"] to get a piece of lumber screwed between 2 joists - then patch

  • Open up the ceiling enough [10" x 6"] to get a piece of lumber laying between 2 joists - then patch

  • Open up the ceiling enough [8" Circle] to get a fan support bracket between the joists then patch

  • Open up the ceiling enough [6" x 6"] to get a large piece of drywall on top of ceiling, for 2 layer patch