Shower – Is it possible that the kids are somehow misusing the shower faucet causing the cartridge to fail


About 2 months ago I replaced the single handled shower faucet cartridge. The faucet is leaking again. Is it possible that my kids are doing something when they shower that is damaging the cartridge? Does not turning off the shower at the tub faucet before turning off the water cause damage to the cartridge? The handle pulls out to turn on the water. It turn left for hot and right for cold. If they were to slap the handle closed, would that damage the cartridge? we don't have hard water and When I replaced the cartridge, there wasn't any gunk in there. The cartridge was pre-lubricated.

Best Answer

I would be looking at the valve plates to see if there is scoring from the original failure. If some damage was on the plate then a new set of seals may work at first but fail as the scoring wears them down. In addition if you find rust scale fine rocks or lime build up in your airators on your faucets it could have been a chunk that was still in the valve when you replaced the last one, I usually try to flush out the plumbing when repairing a washerless for this reason. So could it be the kids sure but I doubt it.