Shower – Leaking valve connection, recent shower install


Shower is on second floor, I noticed wet spots in first floor ceiling. I opened the shower trim and found the drip on the left copper connection to the valve. I shut down water in the house.

I assume that pipe needs to be reinstalled to the valve and thus I need to remove the tile.

I want to ask perhaps there are better methods to fix it.

Thank you

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Best Answer

I would definitely look at cutting an access into the drywall instead of removing tile. You'd have to remove a lot of tile to get in there and redo that connection. Dry wall is easy to fix. You should frame it in afterwards for access in the future. Just make absolutely sure you know where the water is leaking from. It could be another location and pooling at the point you see it. If the installer has a guarantee, I'd be getting him back there. good luck and stay safe out there.