Shower – Mustee 3060L shower pan


I am installing a Mustee 3060L acrylic shower pan in my basement bathroom. This will be installed on concrete.

I am having a challenging time figuring out how exactly go go about installing this. The "manual" says use silicone between the pan flange and the studs to eliminate squeaking. It also suggests using a thinset mortar if the pan is not level. No marks or pre-drilled holes on flange.

Is the mortar necessary if the pan is completely level.

How should I go about fastening it to the studs, if at all?

Best Answer

Thinset isn't necessary but works. Masonry mortar works just fine too but I'm a long time user of Structolite to set shower bases and yes it's necessary for a strong base. It gives you a solid feel to the pan. If you were on level plywood many do without but it doesn't have the same solid feel. I personally like to drill holes in the flange and use stainless screws to attach to at least two studs.