Shower – Plastic shower pan about to crack. Any preventive measures to take before it is too late


Recently our shower pan started to make really loud, cracking sounds when we step on it. I feel that it will crack, if we don't take any action. The paint has already come off slightly in the places where I suspect it would crack first.

Any ideas how to fix it or at least extend shower pans lifespan so that more expensive repair could be avoided?

See pictures with annotations.

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Best Answer

This is happening to one of my tubs. I discovered that the tub is sitting on a block of styrofoam, and apparently rats chewed holes in it and created unsupported areas that flex when stepped on. I'm going to have to replace the whole thing sooner or later, but I temporarily fixed it by epoxying fiberglass patches over the weakened areas.

Update: the patches held up for two years before I sprung for a new tub.