Shower – Twisted Wall Studs In Tub Surround


I have a new tub that is being installed and then I'm going to tile the tub surround. The problem is that several of the wall studs are either broken, bowed, or twisted pretty bad. What's the best way to go about this to get a nice flat wall to tile onto. The other side of that far wall is also my kitchen (with cabinets, and appliances and stuff) so I'm really hoping that the answer is not to take off all the drywall and put in new studs.

General Layout
Broken stud

The two studs in the middle here are the ones that are twisted pretty bad

Twisted Stud
Twisted Stud 2

Best Answer

Looking at the picture it appears that the twisted studs are all shy of the front edge of the bottom plate. If none of the studs are proud / protruding into the space, you could just add new studs/nailing edges as attachment points.

I don't see the value of shiming the plates out 1" and adjusting things. If the studs are protruding into the space, I'd just rip them back with a circ saw and again add some extra studs for nailing edges that are nice and flat.

You have some electrical so I'd probably go 2x4 on flat to avoid having to adjust the ele where the 14/2 is interfering.