Shower – use mortar to transition a height difference between cement board and drywall


A family member helped me install some cement board in my shower, but the cement board and drywall aren’t level. It already has two coats of red guard and is basically ready to tile. Can I use thin set to level this out, let it dry, and then tile as normal on top of it?

Pictures attached. I am reallyyyy trying to prevent having to rip it all out.

Any solutions would be unbelievably appreciated. Gotta get this done by next Tuesday.

Thank you in advance!!enter image description hereenter image description here]![enter image description hereenter image description here

Best Answer

In some cases I have wanted the tile base lower than the sheetrock. This way there is not a large ledge for water to collect on. You can float some thin set to the surface but make sure it is completely dry prior to tiling and make a large taper or it will be noticeable.