Shower – Water seeping out of grout in exterior corner of tiled shower curb


I have a two year old tiled shower with glass enclosure. The grout is sanded grout. The exterior corner of the shower curb is leaking a small bit of water after every shower. Over time it has corroded the paint and molding that butts up to the tiled curb.

The leak is through the grout. No water exits on top of the curb.

The shower enclosure is caulked with 100% silicone in the places specified by the installation instructions. The only weird thing to me is that the bottom channel sits directly on a grout line. I'm wondering if water is seeping into the grout and working its way outside.

Any ideas what could be wrong? Pictures show leak location on exterior of curb and the opposite interior side of the shower curb.

exterior of curb where leak is

interior of curb

Best Answer

This is not an answer, per se, but so far has solved the issue.

I called the original tile installer to take a look. He pulled the tile piece that is to the left of the leaking grout corner. We inspected the liner and anything else we could see. The leak must have been very slow because there was minimal damage inside--no wood rot.

The exact cause of the leak could not be determined, but the tile guy sealed the liner edge behind the curb corner's vertical and horizontal tile pieces with some kind of rubberized sealant (not silicone) to make a water dam. Then used extra tile and grout mix we had to make it look new again. So far it is holding up. Then again, the leak is very slow. Hopefully, I'm not back on here in a few weeks or months with a different answer!