Shower – What to do about gap between tile and tub


This is my first shower tiling project and the tub was not level at all. To make sure my tiles were level I left a gap between the first row and the tub on one side (see picture). The gap is 1/2” at its widest. I’m wondering what you would suggest for finishing this project up. Should I attempt to simply fill the gap with white caulk or should I buy some sort of cover?

I won’t re-do this now but for the future should I have done this project differently? Perhaps cut my first row on an angle and left it closer to the top of the tub?

enter image description here

Best Answer

I have always found the top surface ie edge is always level and the slope is built into the shape of the shower base.

However, one neat solution for your gap is to fit a cornice molding ie a triangular tile usually the same length as the side of the tiles all around the edge and it will cover the gap much neater than filling it with caulk, but you could do that anyway for peace of mind against insidious leaks.

See cornice tile