Shower – Where is the solenoid coil in the electric shower


I am trying to resolve an issue with low water pressure (when dial is turned up to warm temperatures) which I've been told can sometimes be fixed by replacing old/broken solenoid coils. Many guides online tout about how easy it is to do this, but unfortunately I can't seem to find it in mine!

Can anyone point out where the solenoid coil is? I'm wondering if it's sitting above the stabiliser valve (encased in white plastic)…

This is the schematic of my shower:

And below is a picture of shower in question!

My shower - Triton Hawaii 2

Best Answer

From what I can see all your power is going to the heater with just a safety switch to keep it from getting two hot no solenoid I think one of the 2 things on the right side is a pressure/ flow switch but it has been several years since I worked on my unit, I have a similar unit in my barn and if I try to get the water two warm it barely runs this is the limitation of these small 30 amp units. I adjust the flow to my unit in the winter because the water delivered to the unit is colder and to keep the water warm enough to bathe horses I have to reduce the flow and mixing percentages. In short you may not have a solenoid controlling the water but just a pressure/ flow switch to turn the power on to the small heat tank when there is demand. The stabilizer in your model is more of a tempature regulator not a solenoid , measure the water temp output is it aproxametly at the set point? If so it is working correctly these units do have a limited heating range.