Significant Difference between roofing and weeding torches


I have a modified bitumen roof and I would like to go independent making patches for things like vents and other fixes. So far I have hired people to come and torch down material like this but I don't want to bring guys for just small jobs.

enter image description here

I need help selecting a torch. I will not be doing heavy duty jobs, only small patches, a few square feet at a time. I noticed that the Roof Center and Amazon sell $190 torches like this.

enter image description here

But also you can also buy a cheaper version, which is advertised for "weeding". They look similar and comparable BTUs.

enter image description here

I was wondering if the cheaper torch will do fine for what I need and if they can be mounted on a small camping propane tank, not a big one for grilling. In fact, my ideal torch would not need a hose at all and would just be directly mounted on top of a camping propane tank.

Best Answer

The weed burner that I have is more of a cross of the 2 torches and yes my weed burner will work but not as well as the roofing torch.

What are the differences the roofing torch is highly focused compared to the weed burner, the focused heat is helpful at not overheating the edges and starting fires where the weed burner can create the heat but tends to flame more (I hope that makes sense)

Other minor things like the cradle to keep the flame pointed up (yes you could make one) but the focused torch can be a help as I have used it not pointing down but horizontal to help put a fire out it sounds funny and it takes some practice but I don’t think you can do that with a weed burner.

(But for small jobs I would and have used my burner)