Small patch in wall sheathing behind masonry chimney


I noticed a small hole, about 14” x 14” in our attic on the gable side. I wonder if it used to be a gable vent. Home was built in 66’

What can i do to patch this up? It looks like this sheathing material is called “blackboard” Our pest control guy said PestBlok breathable material. We could also screen it I assume. The rest of the area looks good so i don’t think it was taken out because of damage or anything.

Also, there’s some gaps in the siding along there. But the roofline seems fine. Roofing and Siding co said caulk and filler is all we need. Pest guy said drip edge installed to siding and then sealed to the chimney.

Thanks for any input! Main concern is critters making their way into the attic, and then also just don’t really want a hole in the attic, i imagine energy escapes there like crazy! Seems totally dry when it rains which is at least good.

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Best Answer

You don't have to worry about energy loss. Your attic floor is insulated; that's the heat barrier for the home. You even want to get heat out of your attic to prevent ice dams (assuming you're in a temperate clime), but you have a vent right next to your chimney, so you'll be fine. Critters, though, could be a problem.

I don't think it matters how you cover it up; I'd put a piece of plywood on it.