Small post and beam project sanity check


I'm planning to build a canoe rack out out of PT 4x4s, post and beam style. The goal is mostly to learn to build something that way.

I've designed it in SketchUp, below. Everything is a 4×4. The pegs are 3/4" in the design but I'm wondering if 5/8" wouldn't be plenty strong enough.

Since I don't have a clue what I'm doing, I hope somebody can tell me what the worst problems are with this design. Thanks! Please let me know if there's any additional information that I can provide.

enter image description here

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Best Answer

Can I use your canoe rack to drive my quad up and work on it? That is a bit over built but will be rock solid. Make your cuts tight when using pegs everything is a friction fit but you have it well laid out. It appears you will be just setting it on the ground so you can move it that would be my justification for the lower horizontal braces. This should hold up fine for whatever size canoe you can hoist up there. My grandfather always used hard wood pegs, we used fur for the timbers but I only did a few small additions with him to his barn and the hard wood was important but a pain in the back side to cut off on his tree limb ladders.