Solar Power for Computer Build


I am going to be trying to power my currently in progress computer build with solar power. I'm not for sure what I should be looking for power wise. I have a 1000 watt power supply that apparently is 6.5 amps I think. I'm not for sure if I should find a 6 or 7 amp solar panel or if I should go for a combination of solar panels to get 1000 watts out of it and get some kind of transformer to take the amps down or volts so it won't blow up my hole system or overload it with power. If I am wrong on any of this please correct me.

Best Answer

Skip it, seriously. I don't know what your motivation for this is, but you need to learn just a wee tad more before you bite it off.

If it's (sounds like not) a remote-off-grid solar powered computer, you start with making it efficient, and then then address the power supply (probably not a wall-plug-in-type), days of running without sun, batteries, charge controllers, etc...

If you are on-grid but have vague greenish feelings that somehow have not impacted your choice of power supply/motherboard, just set up a small (or large) grid-tie system and plug the computer into the grid. That will be adequately complicated for you to start learning about.