Some ideas on how to block a wheel on a metallic rod


I manage somehow to put some old inline roller wheel to some old trolleys I use in my house for shopping (and trekking). The average weight is about 20-30 kg. I am looking for a way to fix those wheels knowing that, I only have some basic tools (no electric ones). I'm looking for a cheap solution, I dont want to invest more than a couple of dollars to fix those wheels.

I'm looking for a simple and smart idea to prevent the wheel from getting out of the rod

the big trolley rod is quite long, I might cut it. the small trolley rod is more tricky.

The best way would be to thread the rod, but it would only work for the big trolley since the short trolleys's rod is not long enough (only 3 mm are cylindrical, the remaining part, 7 mm, has been too much filed to put the wheel on it, and it has a kind of conic shape). But anyway I don't have the thread tool so it's out of question. Drilling the rod to fit a pin would be great but, once again, no drilling machine.

I thought about using hose clamp, but I'm afraid the wheel will make it turn with it, and damaging the hose clamps. I also though about using some sort of "weld epoxy", (I would just file the resin to change the wheel when needed) but I'm not sure it will be strong enough.

Any creative idea and advice would be very appreciated.

This is the big trolley:

enter image description here

This is the small (foldable) trolley:
enter image description here

Best Answer

Use a hacksaw (or just a hacksaw blade if you don't own a hacksaw) to make a groove all around the rod. If you had a small electric grinder (Dremel or similar) that would also be an option, but the hacksaw will work and is a hand tool.

Use an "E-clip" in the groove (perhaps with a washer towards the wheel, first.)

enter image description here