Spray foam insulation around wood stove pipe


I recently had some spray foam installed in the attic and the crew put it right up against the chimney pipe. Is this a concern? Should I carve out 2" and replace with something?

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It says 2" from combustible material. Is spray foam insulation combustible? And if I need to carve away the insulation, that means a insulation radiation shield? But won't that let in cold air to the attic?

UL sticker on chimney

Best Answer

Yes, spray foam is combustible. What you have there is almost certainly a building code violation as well as violation of the spray foam manufacturer's installation instructions and as such you have a legal right to make the company you hired come back to fix it.

It's also a fire hazard. Sprayed polyurethane foam will start to burn at about 650 degrees Fahrenheit, which is within the range of a wood stove's chimney temperature. The only insulation that should be touching that flue pipe is something that's rated for high temperatures, like mineral wool, and even then only in accordance to the manufacturer's instructions.