Stabilize the tire tracks of a gravel driveway with hot tar


I have a gravel road with a number of hills but one is long and steep. Generally this guy is close to un-drivable within 6 months. I do not have the money to asphalt this hill, nor can I fix this twice a year. That leaves all kinds of folks refusing to come up over the last 6 months.

Would it be possible to cut a "V" down each tire track, maybe 10 or 12" deep. At that point put a small amount of gravel down at the bottom of the V and then heat and pour some tar over it and quickly throw some more gravel on top and continue doing this until the V is full? Maybe put a few pieces of rebar in side to side to keep it from sliding down the hill?

Thank you

Best Answer

The work to create the V-grooves that you propose seem like it could be labor intensive and still demand a lot of materials that make it expensive. And when it gets driven on in a way that the wheels of vehicles veer off the sides it will still tear up the remaining dirt and the edges of your special formation.

The best wisdom of how to deal with the problem is going to come from experts that deal with this situation in your local area. They will understand the soil, terrain and local methods to build effective driveways. So I would really suggest asking around and get that expert advice.