Structurally mounting to hollow brick


enter image description hereenter image description hereenter image description hereI am replacing an old balcony with these custom designed supports. When I drilled in with 1/2 masonry sleeves it would not grab. Looking at the brick, its hollow. Is there any way to safely secure these brackets without having to put supports on other side of the wall? The top header of the deck meets the floor header of house so I plan on bolting right to it, which will help, but the supports only go into the hollow brick. See pics. enter image description here. I have more pics, but cant find a way to upload more than one here.

Best Answer

I would never hang a deck off a brick veneer or any finish, you have to attach to something structural. The pullout force generated by the cantilever is going to be tremendous. When it fails, it won't be a minor mishap.

Honestly I wouldn't go anywhere near this without putting a lot more thought into it, getting an engineer or architect's stamp on the plan, and getting it inspected.