Suggestions for finishing off bathtub ledge


We are doing a bathroom renovation. We have put a tile ledge at the foot of the existing bathtub. I’m looking for ideas on how best to close up the side panel. Plan was to use fiber cement board screwed in to the existing framing. Even then I’m not completely sure on how best to close up the edge between the top of the board and the edge of the tile.

The panel needs to be removal as during this renovation we found a bunch of wiring that needs to be accessible. Old houses.

Any suggestions are welcome.

Attached photo to highlight the space and angle.
enter image description hereenter image description here

Best Answer

Take a piece of corner tile and seal it to the top of your ledge so it overhangs your removable cement board. See picture below.

enter image description here

They come in all sorts of lengths. Tile your removable cement board and fit it up under the corner overhang. Think about taking a 2" strip of cement board and screwing it to the framing in contact with the floor and wall so you could caulk it to the floor and wall to prevent water from getting in there. Your removable piece would fit on top of the strip and under the corner piece.