Suggestions for leg support and edge guard for countertop


I need to cut open some part of the wood countertop to allow for stacking up the washer and dryer.

enter image description here
enter image description here

For support, how can I add a leg (blue) to support the remaining counter top. I am thinking it has to be extended outward. Much like an extensible cloth hanger pole for closets. Does something like that exist as countertop leg? Another suggestion that serves the same purpose is welcome.

For aesthetics, I wonder if there is any edge guard that is recommended to cover the vertical wood part (green) and maybe around an inch along the top surface of the countertop. I would like to know what the item is called.

Best Answer

The stuff for the green bit is edge banding. You can also use thin strips of the laminate that the counter is topped with if you can get it, or have some stashed, so that it matches better.

The usual approach to the blue bit is to simply put a sheet of plywood there, parallel to the washer/dryer beside it - or just put a cabinet there, rather than having an open hole.

A cleat is screwed to both the countertop and the vertical plywood to make the joint.