Sump pit not filling like it used to


Is it possible that work done to the basement slab can affect ground water flow to the sump pit? We recently had a toilet moved in our basement and since then our sump pit has been bone dry. The house was built in 2013 and we have lived here for two years. The reason I am concerned is that we live at the bottom of a hill and our pit usually has a constant flow (outside of winter time) of water and the pump runs every 4-8 minutes depending on rain and what not. Our neighbors along the base of the hill all have discharge from their outlets. Is this something I should be concerned with or are there other factors at play?

Best Answer

If you don’t have water coming inside don’t sweat it! But yes a new toilet and rock packed around the line may have provided a new drain path for the water. If the basement is dry I would be happy the work helped the drainage.