Switch – 2 wire lamp cord – which one is live


I'm replacing a feed-through switch on an IKEA (Canada) floor lamp. Its using an SPT 2 cable (photo attached). Both wires have the same insulation color and both are copper. Neither is ribbed (as far as I can tell to the best of my ability). However, one side has inscription embossed while the other is completely smooth.

In this case, how can I identify Live and does it matter in a 2 wire setup? I am using a Leviton 5410.

Edit: I stand corrected. I have found the ribbed side, it is the wire without the inscription. Therefore is this the neutral?

enter image description here

Best Answer

That's probably an extra-low-voltage DC adapter outputting something like 12V DC.

The word "live" is generally only used for AC 120V or 240V

For low voltage DC the terms are "positive" and "negative". Which is which is sometimes marked on the connector. Alternatively there may be a rib or line marked on one side of the wire. I think that usually marks the positive. If the connector is a typical barrel-plug, they are most often centre-positive - but you can't be sure without testing.

I'd just check with a multimeter to work out polarity. A typical multimeter set to a DC voltage range will show a positive number if the red lead is connected to the positive conductor and a negative number if the red lead is connected to the negative conductor.