Switch – Dimmer stopped working but light switched on after maybe short-circuiting ceiling light


burned, melted metal where pendant lightbulb touched

I pulled out the pendant light bulb that was hanging at the center of this metal framed Turkish style lamp. The light bulb touched the metal frame and there was a sudden explosive sound, burning smell and you can see at the top center in the pic, the metal got burned and melted. The light bulb was still on. I turned the light off and on again to test it. The lightbulb switches on no problem, but now the dimmer is not working. Anybody know what broke and what I need to buy and do to fix this?

Best Answer

You have probably burnt out the dimmer due to the inrush of current during the short and I am guessing the on/off switch on the dimmer is mechanical and didn't burn out. The common cure for this is to replace the dimmer. When you do that you need to connect it up with the power off. Then turn the power on an see if everything is working.

Good luck