Light Switch Identification – Help Identifying Light Switch


Two out of three light switches in our basement have stopped working. They’re a weird kind of rotary on/off switch that snaps into either position when rotated far enough.

I’d like to get them working again, but it’s quite hard when I can’t seem to find them online. Could someone help me indentify them and give me a name/type to search for?

I can provide a gif if needed

light switch

Best Answer

Looks like a surface-mount bakelite switch:


These look kind of wonky to me. I'd replace with a metal junction box and a normal light switch. It looks like it would be possible to remove the rotary switch and feed the existing wiring into the top of a junction box (with a properly sized clamp installed).

This type of box: box

with this type of clamp: clamp1

unless the cable is a rigid type (it's hard to tell from the picture) in which case, you would want a clamp more like this: clamp2

Then just install a switch and a plate, and you should be set. (How to wire a light , switch and receptacle).